Patience & Fortitude

Remembering Sacred

Nearly a week ago, on December 14th, 2012, a lone gunman broke into a primary school and went on a murderous rampage. He killed 20 children and six adults before committing suicide. The citizens of Newtown, Connecticut are still in shock. Many families lost loved ones...

It’s baaaack!

Finally, FINALLY! I have the second edition of Grieving Futures available for you! (link will open a PDF file!) This edition does not represent a marked changed from the first as far as content goes; I did not take much away or add anything new. However, I did have a...

Tell me about it

A co-worker’s nephew, who was only in his early 30s, dropped dead a few weeks ago. He did have some health issues but they were being managed so this came as a huge shock to the family. Given my extensive experience with grief and mourning, I’m always...

Gratitude in the Void

Today in the United States of America, it is Thanksgiving, but in truth there are many things I’m not grateful for. Such as, the deaths of my parents. No, I will never be grateful for that. Thanksgiving is the holiday I remember most from my childhood.It was the...

Linkage: Death Rituals Unusual and Rare

Not much to add insofar as editorial comment, as these sometimes extreme mourning rituals kind of speak for themselves. I think it is food for thought, though, about the ubiquitous need we have to find some dramatic marker for the end of life. As...