Patience & Fortitude

Salvation from Sin

A surprising title for an atheist blog about grief, but I find both concepts fascinating. I’ve wondered for years why we need them, why we created them in the first place. I joined a friend at a Unitarian Universalist service this morning, and was thrilled that...

Poppa’s Boots

They don’t fit me, they are too big. Which, I guess, a father’s shoes should always be: too big to fill. They are military boots, worn in and proud, and they get shuffled from corner to corner of my house because I can’t wear them, and I can’t...

Death and Social Media

I often question the value of this blog. After all, while grief is a permanent state its intensity varies over time and circumstances. I’m not sure, either, what I have to offer is very much by way of comfort. I don’t coat grief with a film of sentiment,...

Creative Grief

I am hard on myself about grief. I’m mad that I let it derail my life for 15 years, and I don’t expect to ever truly forgive myself for that. Which, of course, is the worst possible thing to do to yourself, because holding that kind of thing over our own heads is as...

Independence Day, 1996 – letter to a dead man

This letter is something I wrote about three months after my father died. It’s hard for me to read this letter; I was 26 and I think both my youth and my naiveté are pretty obvious, as well as my grief. I’ve changed a lot in the years since then. But I...