Patience & Fortitude

The Interlocking of Secrecy and Grief

The Interlocking of Secrecy and Grief

I have been listening to the excellent podcast Family Secrets, hosted by Dani Schapiro, and so many of the episodes surprisingly kick up memories for me. I say “surprisingly” because despite the fact that I admit freely that I was the secret keeper in my...
Grieving Future’s Re-re-release

Grieving Future’s Re-re-release

Yes, really, it’s now 2022 and I’ve re-released this book again! Featuring corrections, improved cover, and better distribution. It’s hard to believe it’s been twelve years since I wrote it, and five years since I last updated this website....

Death and Social Media

I often question the value of this blog. After all, while grief is a permanent state its intensity varies over time and circumstances. I’m not sure, either, what I have to offer is very much by way of comfort. I don’t coat grief with a film of sentiment,...

It’s baaaack!

Finally, FINALLY! I have the second edition of Grieving Futures available for you! (link will open a PDF file!) This edition does not represent a marked changed from the first as far as content goes; I did not take much away or add anything new. However, I did have a...