Patience & Fortitude

Relaunch – again

by | May 16, 2012 | Reflections

I think maybe I’ve finally nailed this beast. Check out the updated About This Blog page for the full low-down of the new mission, but suffice to say, the focus has narrowed down to what is probably a really small demographic (because that’s how I roll):

Grief without god.

Note the lower-case “g” in god. That’s because I’m an atheist. I don’t believe there is a God, or Gods, or Goddess, or Magical Pair of Socks. No, not even a FSM!


And since that is where I am coming from, it makes sense to keep going along that path.

So, over the next week I’ll re refashioning this blog into a place for “godless grief,” where I talk about my experiences with death and illness and caretaking and hospitals and turning 42 and life in general from my perspective as an atheist mourner.

Stay posted.


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