Patience & Fortitude

Grieving Future’s Re-re-release

Grieving Future’s Re-re-release

Yes, really, it’s now 2022 and I’ve re-released this book again! Featuring corrections, improved cover, and better distribution. It’s hard to believe it’s been twelve years since I wrote it, and five years since I last updated this website....

Death and Social Media

I often question the value of this blog. After all, while grief is a permanent state its intensity varies over time and circumstances. I’m not sure, either, what I have to offer is very much by way of comfort. I don’t coat grief with a film of sentiment,...

Skeptic’s Inspirational MIA?

The Skeptic’s Inspirational, which is my ongoing series of daily positive, inspirational quotes and thoughts for skeptics of all stripes, has been moved to its own page: Skeptic’s Inspirational. I stopped it for a while because I thought the daily posts...

Grieving Futures, 2nd Edition on the way

Good news! I have found an excellent editor to give my book Grieving Futures a thorough going over! This is very exciting to me and marks real progress. A writer should always, always have a good editor at her back, but unfortunately when I first drafted out GF in...

Welcome to the new blog!

If you typed in your usual address for “A Year of Living Dangerously” and ended up here, don’t worry. I planned it that way. I’ve relaunched the blog because I felt that the original direction I was headed was not working for me anymore as a...