Patience & Fortitude

Censoring suicide – Martin Manley’s Final Report

If you spend any time online in the "death circle" of funeral directors and grief/mourning specialists, you have seen the story of Martin Manley, a sports writer in Kansas who committed suicide on August 15th. Suicides, sadly, are not very unusual items to report on....

Death and Social Media

By turns heartbreaking, funny, and insightful, his tweets reflected not only his mother’s wonderful personality but the strength of their relationship.

Facing the emptiness

I wrote Grieving Futures back in 2010, and threw it up online pretty quickly. It served as a cathartic bleed out of my emotions regarding my experiences with grief, and as tool in helping to reach out to other grievers. It lives up to its dual purposes, I think. But...

Be free, be free

Giving something to God is turning possession over, perhaps, but whatever they are giving over doesn’t disappear. Theoretically, it just changes hands.

Planning for the end…badly

I have absolutely no idea how I stumbled over the Secular Celebrations & Humanist Ceremonies website, but I did. It is open on a tab in my browser and I have no idea why, but maybe that’s a good thing. I remember planning for my mother’s funeral, which was held in...

Grief is not a Thief

I don't think it is true that grief "steals our happiness." Grief is not a thief; if we want to get all literary we could say that "Death is a thief" but grief? No, grief steals nothing from us. It simply settles over our bones like a heavy blanket, weighed down by...

The Troy Syndrome

Over at Planet Grief, Helen Bailey wrote an evocative and emotional post, Life, Death and Laundry, about post-death hoarding. She talks about keeping things long past their "due date" and her unwillingness to wash the bedsheets she had once shared with her husband....

Tragedy changes us; Patience tempers us; Fortitude keeps us going.

Lessons in grief, crisis, and recovery from 30 years of life as an adult orphan from a GenX woman who has resentfully struggled every step of the way.

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