Patience & Fortitude

What ‘Sacred’ Means

I was interested in reactions to this NPR ‘Code Switch’ story, “What Part of Sacred Don’t You Understand?” Normally I don’t read comments sections because therein lies madness, but in this case I made an exception. The topic is a...

Writing recommences on ‘The Empty Bowl’

A long time ago, I decided to write a book about atheism and grief. I was going to call it “The Empty Bowl”, a riff on my own Buddhist studies as well as a vivid image of grief itself. In a not very unusual occurrence, I stalled after that. Grieving...

Facing the emptiness

I wrote Grieving Futures back in 2010, and threw it up online pretty quickly. It served as a cathartic bleed out of my emotions regarding my experiences with grief, and as tool in helping to reach out to other grievers. It lives up to its dual purposes, I think. But...

Be free, be free

The phrase “Let go and let God” has a lot of cultural currency. When people are facing overwhelming trauma, be it grief or drug addiction or a bad day at work, the phrase is pulled out to help people untangled their emotions and let go of what is troubling...

Grief is not a Thief

I don’t think it is true that grief “steals our happiness.” Grief is not a thief; if we want to get all literary we could say that “Death is a thief” but grief? No, grief steals nothing from us. It simply settles over our bones like a...